Thursday 26 April 2012


I found out about the Twitter Blanket Drive last year. #TBDZA was all over my Twitter timeline so I did my little bit for charity and bought a few blankets and dropped them off at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Rosebank.

I was amazed at how many blankets were donated from a simple request started by @melanieminaar on Twitter. One tweet requesting that the South African twitter community donate blankets to those in need resulted in 700 blankets in 2010 and an impressive 2 700 blankets in 2011.
The power of social networks seems to just grow stronger. This year, volunteers have already come forth with their ideas on how to increase blanket donations and create drop-off points in various suburbs around the country to make it even easier to donate. There’s even a drop-off point in Zim.
If you want to get involved, visit for more information on the drop-off points close to you. Also don’t forget to attend one of the National Tweetups on 26 May 2012 to meet some tweeps and appreciate the sheer number of blankets collected.
As for my bit for charity, for every new follower on my blog, I will donate a blanket to #TBDZA. So look at the right of the screen, see that Followers block, click on Join this site. It’s currently sitting at 8 followers. By 26 May, I will make my blanket donation that is at least equal to number of additional followers my humble blog has gained.
Oh and while #TBDZA makes charity seem fun and exciting, let’s not forget that one-third of our population lives in poverty. While winter may bring thoughts of snuggling under a blanket sipping hot chocolate, for many it is a time where keeping warm comes with a very real risk of asphyxiation and shack-fire deaths from the use of gas heaters in poorly ventilated homes. Donate as many blankets as you want to. We may not be able to rescue everyone off the cold streets but keeping as many people as warm as possible will make a difference in their lives.
When it’s cold, I find myself praying for those that don’t have a warm bed. This winter, you may be able to give a child the gift of sweet dreams.