Saturday 12 March 2016

The truth about morning sickness

I don’t think I’m cut out to be pregnant. Everyone seems to glow when they are pregnant. Not me! I’ve got my tired face in a toilet bowl – at 28 weeks still! It all started with the nausea…

At first, I thought it was all in my head. I just found out I was pregnant and a few days later, I felt pangs of nausea. The nausea got worse. Pretty soon, my mornings weren’t complete without my daily throw up sessions. That was still fine because I picked myself up from the bathroom floor and grumpily headed on to work a bit later than usual. Whenever a wave of nausea hit at work, I’d quickly make and sip on a cup of peppermint tea. I remember once going through 5 cups of tea. I’m not sure how healthy that is or whether it worked. Perhaps it was a psychological feeling cos I kept drinking it until I felt better.

Then one dreaded day, the nausea was amplified and I just could not stop throwing up. I don’t think I had ever thrown up five times in a single day before. If I wasn’t throwing up, I was highly nauseous and holding it all in. All that anti-nausea advice didn’t help. The anti-nausea medication made me throw up. The travel sickness bands were useless. (I still used them hoping the placebo effect would kick in.) The ginger sweets made me throw up. The crackers in the morning turned into paste in my mouth and made me feel nauseous. 

The next day the nausea didn’t give up and in the midst of a heatwave, my husband dragged my dried up body to the doctor. There I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis Gravidarum – basically excessive vomiting due to being pregnant. I was put on a drip for extreme dehydration. The doctor and nurse were so really kind to me. The bad news however was that they couldn’t do any more for me. I’d basically have to stick it out for a few more weeks. They promised it would be over soon. I really hoped so.

With three days of being man down, I couldn’t make it to work and I was convinced that in my largely female team, they probably thought I was just being a big drama queen. All women go through this. I’m just the only one being a big baby about it.

I spoke to my mother about her experience. I found out that through all her three pregnancies, she was violently sick for all nine months! My online “research” didn’t make me feel any better either. A tiny percentage of women get this sick and some have it way worse than me to the point that they have to abort their unborn in order to survive. So I counted my lucky stars and I felt a bit better knowing that this extreme sickness generally comes with a lower risk of miscarriage. I guess this is why my gynae was actually happy about how ill I became.

The constant nausea still lingered and eventually developed into motion sickness. I felt sick when there was turbulence on a plane. I felt sick driving to the grocery store. I felt sick walking or moving too fast!

But I survived that nauseous first trimester. My trick that seemed to work at keeping the vomiting at bay was to wake up in the middle of the night to eat something. (Two fish fingers with a slice of white bread, in case you were wondering, with a huge dollop of hot Nandos sauce.)

I used to feel intense hunger, out of nowhere, and I think the secret to that is to have some food I could stomach on hand. (A packet of chips in case you were wondering.)

Keeping hydrated was a problem in a city that seemed to have switched on summer two months early. My little sips of water didn’t taste nice but I tried. (A tiny bit of apple ice tea did wonders in refreshing me in a tasty way in case you were wondering.)

In my first trimester, my husband definitely had it worse than me. He used to just stand there, helpless, while I propped my lifeless body over the toilet. When he last made a tasty meal (spaghetti and meatballs), he had to eat it in the other room because the meatballs smelled like animal and the spaghetti smelled like ear wax to me. We no longer planned meals and he certainly didn’t have a balanced diet anymore. He had to take time off work to take me to the doctors or check up on me to make sure I was still alive. I couldn’t RSVP for events because I wasn’t sure if I would be up for the drive or the food or the company. He bought the things I actually ate, in excess, after I hurried him up when grocery shopping because the nausea made me want to go home. He was the one actually getting up in the middle of the night to feed me and make my meals so I could avoid throwing up the next morning.  

Oh my God! Did I mention the crazy things that made me nauseous? So you already know that the anti-nausea tips and tricks made me nauseous. So did food and the smell of cooking – the stuff that usually gets pregnant women retching. But I also felt nauseous making a number two. Other peoples’ lunches looked disgusting and so did the American meals on Food Network that make Americans obese. I mean really, a meal of pork on pork with a side of pork! And then they wonder why they’re so fat. And for the most ridiculous thing, (yes, I’m clearly a mean person. I just want to put it out there that I couldn’t help it); some people’s faces made my insides want bring up my stomach acid.

Into my third trimester, I can tell you that it didn’t get better the way the doctors told me it would. I still throw up but my body got used to it. Instead of avoiding it, I throw up and I actually feel better afterwards. I no longer have a lack of energy after I throw up all my bile. I can continue with my day running just a little late and suffering with a burning throat.

And there you have it. My take on the good (absolutely nothing), the bad and the ugly about morning sickness. If you’ve had it really bad, I’d love to know how you coped. 

Friday 11 March 2016

The best baby shower gift ideas

All my life, I’ve given sucky baby shower gifts. I’ve only come to that realisation now – now that I am preparing for my own baby. I think everyone does it though. You pick a couple of cute clothes, chuck it in an even cuter gift bag and go aww when all the gifts are opened. Here are some better gift ideas that are cute as well as practical. You won’t necessarily find all of these in a baby store but any mommy-to-be who is like me will love you for these.

Books for baby
I don’t actually know if books are a suitable gift for a newborn. I’m all for starting a library young but I don’t quite know whether they need it straight from the womb. But a book is never a bad idea – especially if it’s filled with hints and tips for the parents on how to raise their kids. I heard horrid things about Raising Superheroes. People said this book following The Real Meal Revolution was about raising unhealthy bantists. I had a browse through it a while ago and it’s nothing like that. Instead, it offers great advice on how to make tasty meals that is easy on the sugar and uses whole foods instead of relying on the refined stuff. Considering how The Husband and I make most of our foods from scratch, this would be awesome for similar parents who want to make and feed their kids healthier foods. You can get this from Exclusive Books for R338. 

Gift cards
A lot of people prefer going this route with gifts. Get a gift card and let the recipients pick their own gifts. There are tons of places that offer gift cards for baby clothing and other essentials. Try Woolworths and pick your own denomination. 

A baby rocker
I suppose any baby rocker will do but the Nuna Leaf is THE ultimate. It gently soothes your baby when you need your hands for other things. At the exorbitant price of R4599, it does what other rockers don’t. For starters, it can carry my weight so it evolves from a rocker to a chair for your child. You can find many other varieties at Baby City but if this is the one you’re after, you’ll find it at Kids Emporium. 

Personalised gifts
Everyone loves a thoughtful gift that is handmade or personalised…especially when the gift epitomises the recipient of the present. How cute is something like this! 

Baby carrier
I really like those cloth carriers that you just wrap around yourself and slip Baby in so you have your hands free for things like grocery shopping. The downfall with this is that I can’t imagine many men being able to don this on themselves. Instead, a more structured carrier like the Stokke baby carrier would be great for dad-to-be. It goes for R3799 at Kids Living.   

Pamper mom-to-be
Everyone is super excited about the baby but a gift for the mum-to-be will definitely be welcomed. Especially if it’s a pamper gift for that last heavy stretch to the end. How about a pregnancy massage or (if her husband won’t cut her nails) a pedicure from Sorbet? 

A newborn photoshoot
I’ve had a rather horrid experience with the photographer at my wedding so I’m a bit hesitant to spend money on something that might again be a disaster. I have tons of friends that have done newborn shoots though and it is an amazing idea for a gift that a bunch of friends can pitch in to buy. I stumbled upon Slumberlings online that specialises in gorgeous newborn photography. The mini package comes in at R5700. 

Your time
I know a lot of people who can easily give off their time for something that they love such as babysitting services and meal drop offs. Once the baby arrives, mum and dad might not have any time for themselves and probably won’t even have time to eat let alone cook. Maybe the baby sitting offer will be so that the parents can get a good night’s rest.  

From what I hear about how much these tiny things poop, new parents can’t have too many diapers. A diaper cake is such a cute idea to “dress up” disposables. For reusable nappies, I suggest putting together a basket of newborn nappies, liners and inserts. Check out Bam+Boo for some cute ideas. 


A basket of baby toiletries
I suspect I might only know what it takes to bath and clean a baby once the baby actually arrives. If you have more experience than the mum-to-be, get her a basket of the essential toiletries that she will need. Trust me, she’ll love you for it when she realises that she wasn’t that prepared herself and won’t need to run out to buy them.  You can get an already prepared basket from NetGifts for R439.95 with a little teddy. 

I hope I’ve inspired you if you’re heading out to a baby shower soon. Do you have any other gift ideas that you think should make this list?

Sunday 6 March 2016

My favourite baby shower ideas

I can probably count the number of baby showers I’ve attended on one hand. As I mentioned before, having babies in my circle offriends is abnormal. Most of these showers were organised at work. Some of them were even organised by me. Perhaps it’s because I don’t have much experience with the traditional showers that I love the alternative ideas that I’ve either thought up or been exposed to.

The sexy mommy baby shower
Of course I would come up with theme that is furthest away from the traditional baby shower but let’s not pretend we don’t know how the couple got into this position. One of my friends didn’t have the sexy bachelorette party so her friends brought the sexy fun to her baby shower. This is perfect for a women’s only event. Bring out the fishnets (cos corsets won’t fit) and limber up your joints. Practice some sexy poses and lap dance moves. It’ll help mom-to-be forget all about the big tummy she’s been lugging around. Oooh…I can already picture a sexy dance routine to “You can leave your hat on” with a tummy.

Brunch and shopping with the girls
If you have an intimate group of girlfriends, I love the idea of a baby shower brunch at an outdoors type of restaurant. I love La Vie en Rose for this – you can decorate the table without going overboard on silly games. Ask guests to bring a gift card from a specific baby store and you can all head out after lunch and pick out cute little outfits and the essentials together. That way, mum-to-be doesn’t have to worry about a registry and everyone will have loads of fun trying to pick out items together. Any one of the gorgeous Kids Emporiums store would be a perfect place for this.

A modern take on the traditional baby shower
I’m a bit of a homebody and I love entertaining at home. But I’m not that girly to be surrounded by women who expect me to act and behave like I am super excited about popping out something that has no bowel control for a good few years. I’d much rather have my guy friends present who have some sense of humour when I speak. You know, the ones that’ll joke that when walking near me, they need to act like the car with red flags warning motorists of an abnormal load coming up. Let’s make it co-ed! Keep the cute cupcakes in blue or pink but let’s make sure the men are well fed with a braai or mini burgers. And besides, I want my husband to be part of the festivities. I aint changing nappies alone!

Have you been to baby showers that were different to the norm? What did you think of them? And if you’re planning one that’s a bit unusual, I’d love to hear all about it.