

Tips for pumping at work

After I revealed that my journey of expressing breastmilk at work had come to end, I received a

Surviving your baby’s first fever

We have been lucky that Squeak is 14 months old and has never had a fever before. At

Don’t tell me I have enough time

Try complaining about not having time to do the things you want to do and you’re hit with

The danger toddling around you

Everyone always talks about not hurting the baby. I stopped wearing my wedding rings because I didn’t want

Why it’s OK to judge people

I’ve always been the type to say what’s on my mind even though the socially acceptable thing is

Reclaiming my lunch breaks

I’ve been a bit emotional this week. Since going back to work after maternity leave, I spent almost

How I succeeded at breastfeeding

I read everything. I read about breastfeeding when I was pregnant too but experiencing it was something else. 4

Driving alone with a baby should be illegal

Squeak's first car ride was when we brought him home from hospital. The scrawny little thing barely fitted in

The motherhood paradox

I'm at Squeak's beck and call. I attend to his cries immediately. I used to take him with me

Why I choose to cloth diaper

I found out about cloth diapers online, while I was pregnant. I read quite an informative article about it